
Legendary Service®



Legendary Service®



「Legendary Service」研修プログラムは、対面でもバーチャルでも提供できます。学習者はいつでもどこでも時間のあるときに、顧客満足とロイヤルティを高めるスキルについて学ぶことができます。

1 Day Instructor-led Course (英語でのご提供のみ)

The Legendary Service in-person experience is a one-day course to define individuals’ personal service vision, identify customers’ needs and wants, learn and practice skills for building customer satisfaction and loyalty, and develop strategies to empower themselves and create an action plan.

Prework: LAUNCH — Engaging prework assignments, including an assessment, which explain key Legendary Service concepts

Day 1 Morning: LEARN— Activities that guide participants as they develop a customer map and rate the level of service they provide

Day 1 Afternoon: PRACTICE— Allows participants to reflect on their level of commitment to customers and has them record action plan ideas

Day 1 Afternoon: APPLY— Explores the challenges to offering solutions and gaining agreement and strategies for overcoming those obstacles and guides participants in crafting an expression of appreciation and practicing its delivery

Post: APPLY— Set of micro-activities, including videos, interactions, and worksheets, that learners can access in moments of need to support ongoing learning, performance support, reinforcement, and custom learning journeys

Virtual Instructor-led Course (英語でのご提供のみ)

Legendary Service can also be delivered as three two-hour virtual sessions.

Prework: LAUNCH— Engaging prework assignments, including an assessment on Blanchard Exchange Learner Portal

Session 1: LEARN— Activities that guide participants as they develop a customer map and rate the level of service they provide

Session 2: PRACTICE — Allows participants to reflect on their level of commitment to customers and has them record action plan ideas

Session 3: PRACTICE— Explores the challenges to offering solutions and gaining agreement and strategies for overcoming those obstacles, and guides participants in crafting an expression of appreciation and practicing its delivery

Post: APPLY— Set of micro-activities, including videos, interactions, and worksheets, that learners can access in moments of need to support ongoing learning, performance support, reinforcement, and custom learning journeys

1 Day Instructor-led Course (英語でのご提供のみ)

The Legendary Service in-person experience is a one-day course to define individuals’ personal service vision, identify customers’ needs and wants, learn and practice skills for building customer satisfaction and loyalty, and develop strategies to empower themselves and create an action plan.

Prework: LAUNCH — Engaging prework assignments, including an assessment, which explain key Legendary Service concepts

Day 1 Morning: LEARN— Activities that guide participants as they develop a customer map and rate the level of service they provide

Day 1 Afternoon: PRACTICE— Allows participants to reflect on their level of commitment to customers and has them record action plan ideas

Day 1 Afternoon: APPLY— Explores the challenges to offering solutions and gaining agreement and strategies for overcoming those obstacles and guides participants in crafting an expression of appreciation and practicing its delivery

Post: APPLY— Set of micro-activities, including videos, interactions, and worksheets, that learners can access in moments of need to support ongoing learning, performance support, reinforcement, and custom learning journeys

Virtual Instructor-led Course (英語でのご提供のみ)

Legendary Service can also be delivered as three two-hour virtual sessions.

Prework: LAUNCH— Engaging prework assignments, including an assessment on Blanchard Exchange Learner Portal

Session 1: LEARN— Activities that guide participants as they develop a customer map and rate the level of service they provide

Session 2: PRACTICE — Allows participants to reflect on their level of commitment to customers and has them record action plan ideas

Session 3: PRACTICE— Explores the challenges to offering solutions and gaining agreement and strategies for overcoming those obstacles, and guides participants in crafting an expression of appreciation and practicing its delivery

Post: APPLY— Set of micro-activities, including videos, interactions, and worksheets, that learners can access in moments of need to support ongoing learning, performance support, reinforcement, and custom learning journeys





ブランチャード社では、日本を含む世界66か国、約1000名の人事・人材開発の専門家たちから得たデータを基に、今年も「2025HR/L&D Trends Surv




ブランチャード・ジャパン監修の全世界50万部超のベストセラー『社員の力で最高のチ-ムをつくる 1分間エンパワーメント』が漫画本になりおかげさまで好評を得ています


エンパワーメントとデリゲーション(権限移譲)は違う 「エンパワーメント」という言葉、最近よく耳にしますね。でも、その意味を正確に理解している人は意外と少ないかも



