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Essential Motivators™



Essential Motivators



「Essential Motivators」研修プログラムは、ラーニング・ジャーニーの一環としてバーチャル(対面はなし)での実施のみ、もしくは、自習型のオンライン版やモデレーター付きのオンライン版で提供も可能です。リーダーは、いつでもどこでも時間のある時に、動機付けの基になるリーダー自身のニーズを明らかにし、理解を深めることができます。


This design is a six-week online learning journey with weekly 60-minute live virtual sessions that include interactive discussions and breakout sessions. The course is a rich, easy-to-understand theory of temperament that will help participants better understand themselves and others and learn to value and appreciate different perspectives. This design provides key concepts, models, discussion questions, practice, and application over a six-week multifaceted learning experience.

Week 1:Getting Started - Discover the nature of the Essential Motivators patterns and how we express them through our core needs, values, talents, and behaviors.

Week 2:Understanding Self - Learn about the four Essential Motivators patterns: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.

Week 3:Clarifying the Patterns - Explore the patterns further through the dimensions of language, roles, and attention.

Week 4:Stressors and Stereotypes - Discover how stress manifests for each pattern and how to reduce stress in oneself and others. Explore the stereotype side of each pattern that can influence the perception of others.

Week 5:Understanding Others - Discover how people's shadow pattern—the pattern least like themselves—can affect how they react to others. Identify others within each of the four patterns.

Week 6:Putting It into Practice - Shift perspective and accept others for who they are and what they need, even if they are different from oneself.

Online Overview with Debrief (英語でのご提供のみ)

This design includes a 35-minute online overview to teach the core content, which will help participants identify their pattern of core psychological needs, values, talents, and behaviors to better understand themselves and others, be more effective, and appreciate different perspectives.

Digital Assets(英語でのご提供のみ)

Set of micro-activities, including videos, interactions, and worksheets, that can be accessed in moments of need to support ongoing learning, performance support, reinforcement, and custom learning journeys.


This design is a six-week online learning journey with weekly 60-minute live virtual sessions that include interactive discussions and breakout sessions. The course is a rich, easy-to-understand theory of temperament that will help participants better understand themselves and others and learn to value and appreciate different perspectives. This design provides key concepts, models, discussion questions, practice, and application over a six-week multifaceted learning experience.

Week 1:Getting Started - Discover the nature of the Essential Motivators patterns and how we express them through our core needs, values, talents, and behaviors.

Week 2:Understanding Self - Learn about the four Essential Motivators patterns: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.

Week 3:Clarifying the Patterns - Explore the patterns further through the dimensions of language, roles, and attention.

Week 4:Stressors and Stereotypes - Discover how stress manifests for each pattern and how to reduce stress in oneself and others. Explore the stereotype side of each pattern that can influence the perception of others.

Week 5:Understanding Others - Discover how people's shadow pattern—the pattern least like themselves—can affect how they react to others. Identify others within each of the four patterns.

Week 6:Putting It into Practice - Shift perspective and accept others for who they are and what they need, even if they are different from oneself.

Online Overview with Debrief (英語でのご提供のみ)

This design includes a 35-minute online overview to teach the core content, which will help participants identify their pattern of core psychological needs, values, talents, and behaviors to better understand themselves and others, be more effective, and appreciate different perspectives.

Digital Assets(英語でのご提供のみ)

Set of micro-activities, including videos, interactions, and worksheets, that can be accessed in moments of need to support ongoing learning, performance support, reinforcement, and custom learning journeys.



「Essential Motivators」は、ラーニング・ジャーニーの一環としてバーチャルでの実施や、自己学習型のオンライン版やモデレーター付きのオンライン版で提供可能です。貴社のリーダーがより効果的なコミュニケーション・スキルを見つける方法をお伝えします。今すぐお問い合わせください。


ブランチャード社では、日本を含む世界66か国、約1000名の人事・人材開発の専門家たちから得たデータを基に、今年も「2025HR/L&D Trends Surv




ブランチャード・ジャパン監修の全世界50万部超のベストセラー『社員の力で最高のチ-ムをつくる 1分間エンパワーメント』が漫画本になりおかげさまで好評を得ています


エンパワーメントとデリゲーション(権限移譲)は違う 「エンパワーメント」という言葉、最近よく耳にしますね。でも、その意味を正確に理解している人は意外と少ないかも



