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SLII® Training for TrainersーVirtual Workshop

September 13-14 and 25-29, 2023(7 Days)
Click here to Register 

The most widely taught leadership model in the WORLD

Our learning design—The SLII Experience™(SLII®)—uses game-changing techniques that immerse learners in SLII quickly, deeply, and effectively. In this program, you will learn a new language for leadership that will help you increase the quality and quantity of conversations you have with your team members, accelerate their development, increase their performance, and support autonomy. Becoming a situational leader will allow you to partner with those you lead, giving them what they need to succeed.

SLII® Training for Trainers Virtual Details

The virtual classroom format begins with a pre-workshop activity that participants complete prior to the workshop. The prework is followed by five 2-hour virtual sessions (Bacis Class) spread over two days. The virtual sessions offer learners an engaging experience that includes instruction, group activities, and opportunities to practice new skills.

The Training for Trainers class starts after the Bacis class. 2-hour virtual sessions will be held 11 times by over five days.

The training includes everything you need to begin your SLII implementation: the SLII Facilitation Guide and PowerPoint® Presentation with video links for virtual, face-to-face, and blended delivery, as well as the SLII Participant Kit, Poster, Flashcards, Game, Match/Mismatch Tip Cards, Speed Matching Cards, and Playbook.

What kind of model is SLII®? Click here for more information.

Virtual Session Schedule (7 Days) via Zoom

September 13-14(Basic), 25~29(T4T), 2023

Day 1 (Sep 13 - JST)
Session1: 09:30 – 11:30
Session2: 13:00 – 15:00

Day 2 (Sep 14 - JST)
Session 3 : 09:30 – 11:30
Session 4 : 13:00 – 15:00
Session 5: 15:30 – 17:30

Day 3 (Sep 25 - JST)
Session 1: 7:30 am – 8:45 am
Session 2: 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Session 3: 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Day 4~Day 7 (Sep 26~29 - JST)
Session 1: 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Session 2: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

*All training sessions will be in Japanese time.
*Please participate in all 16 sessions (7 days).


10-12 days prior to the Day 1, a link to access the self-study portal (for pre-work) and a Zoom link for each session will be sent to you from Blanchard Exchange (NOREPLY@jp.blanchardexchange.com).

Class Size

Maximum 10 people


Taro Yasuda (Day1~Day7)
The Blanchard Companies certified trainer
Click here for more facilitator information.

Nancy Biggar (Day3~Day7)
The Blanchard Companies Master Trainer
Click here for more facilitator information.

Delivery Language



JPY 577,500 (tax included)
Special Offer:50% discount JPY 288,750 (tax included)
*Pre-work, Participant Kits, Facilitator Kits included


Click here to Register 


Blanchard JAPAN
Email: seminar@blanchardjapan.jp


日本の組織が抱える重要な課題とは? ブランチャード社「2025年人事・人材開発トレンド調査」からの考察

ブランチャード社では、日本を含む世界66か国、約1000名の人事・人材開発の専門家たちから得たデータを基に、今年も「2025HR/L&D Trends Surv






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